
Saturday, December 31, 2011


Somehow New Year's always sneaks up on me.

Maybe it's because it's just another day.

Maybe it's because time always seems to speed on by without a glance back.

Maybe it's because it's so close to Christmas.

Maybe it's because staying up until midnight is no longer a special occasion.

Whatever the reason, it provides a time to reflect, and a time to look toward the future. The future will come on its own, no matter how hard I try to prevent it; but thankfulness for God's abundant blessings in the past year is something I myself have control over.

2011 held many adventures, challenges, and changes. I thank my God for every single moment. He is so in control :) And He loves me. So much. :)

Happy New Year :) I love you all!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

oh christmas tree

Our Christmas tree had been sitting undecorated in our living room for a week, just begging to be decorated with some sparkly lights & shiny ornaments.

So finally, on Sunday, I put Christmas music on Spotify and we decorated the beautiful tree.

As always, there were exclamations over whose ornament was whose, sad voices saying their fifteen year old dough ornament finally molded, & lots of happy memories of Christmas past.

I'm not a huge fan of the pictures, but I thought I'd share anyway. That giant tree really does look great :)